The brainchild of Latvian designer Ieva Kalēja, mammalampa is a design lamp brand whose graceful, quintessentially feminine and always innovative design statements, stand in beautiful and timeless contrast to a world overrun by mass production. In an age synonymous with almost infinite technological possibilities, functionally products tend to bend with the wind and dance to almost every tune to pander to the capricious whims of human beings. The outcome is that the things around us are flawless in every aspect, save for their lack of personality.


Thus, bored by the utter predictability of plastic civilization, we yearn to savour items of genuine distinction. Items produced sustainably with people like us in mind. Items designed with care for the climate and environment, according to a policy of exemplary environmental social governance. Items that live and breathe in time with us, as opposed to radiating the soulless merits of artificial beauty. In answering this call, mammalampa has taken a stand, a gentle but unflinching commitment to manually craft traditional products differently – bringing the innate qualities of materials into the light as opposed to taming them without mercy, and without resorting to the beautification of production by means of slaughter and violence. Although they are produced as part of a series, each lamp is distinguished by its own inimitable features defined by the qualities of living materials and the passion and pursuit of excellence of the artisans who create them. mammalampa is blessed with the - nowadays unusual - ability to glimpse unconventional but memorable ways of treating materials, presenting them in an audacious and tantalizing context, thus forming its own unique signature style and fashioning its own definition of values..